If you have any concerns about the care you receive in our practice in the first instance please speak to the Practice Manager on 01922 775138 OR make a personal appointment to see her.
If you do not wish to complain direct to the practice then in the first instance please contact NHS England. If you are not happy with their response the next step is to contact the Ombudsman. Please see contact details below.
NHS England
Email – england.contactus@nhs.net type in the Subject tab “for the attention of the complaints team”
( Helpline 0300 311 2233 – Customer Care Centre)
Black Country & West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group
A dedicated centralised team for contacts for complaints, concerns, and compliments. The Time2Talk team are contactable via telephone, email, and website submission.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
( Helpline: 0345 015 4033)
Website www.ombudsman.org.uk
NHS UK for complaints to other NHS organisations
Website www.nhs.uk/nhsengland/complaints
We want to provide the best service possible and welcome any suggestions or comments you may have.